Over Fertilization and Fertilizer Burns: Causes, Prevention, and Remedies for Your Lawn

Over Fertilization and Fertilizer Burns: Causes, Prevention, and Remedies for Your Lawn

Everyone loves a green, lush lawn, right? One way to get that perfect green color is by using fertilizers. But sometimes, using too much or using them the wrong way...
Clyde Atkins
When to Fertilize

When to Fertilize Your Lawn: Perfect Timing for Lush Grass Growth

Achieving a lush, vibrant lawn requires more than just a green thumb—it requires a well-timed fertilization strategy. By understanding the nuances of soil temperatures, seasonal variations, and the impact of time of day, you can foster a lawn that's the envy of the neighborhood. Whether you're dealing with warm-season or cool-season grasses, the key is to work with nature's rhythms to provide the nutrients your lawn needs at the right moments.
Clyde Atkins