Our Story

We are Gnome Lawn Care, and we are missionaries for the natural, liquid lawn care revolution.

We both grew up barefoot, so we hated when lawn care services came to our houses, because it meant we couldn’t play in the yard for the rest of the day.

There would be weird pellets in the lawn for days and weeks to follow. They stuck to our feet and smelled weird. But some of our friends’ lawns weren’t as soft and full as our lawn at home. At the time, we wrongly believed those pellets were a necessary evil for a cushy grass playground.

Years later, we befriended my campus groundskeeper, Tom, and learned about plant nutrition. Tom was a staunch believer in liquid fertilizer.

His constant refrain has become Gnome’s rallying cry: “plants don’t eat, they drink!” That was his secret to keeping the quad green year-round despite foot traffic from 20,000+ hurried college students.

This liquid plant food approach was so potent and innovative, we dedicated our lives to it. We both graduated and went to work in the corporate world of management consulting, where there is alarmingly little grass. In our spare time (and our daydreams), we envisioned an easy way to apply liquid fertilizer without big tanks and sprayers.

Turns out, the technology for a simple hose sprayer attachment had existed for decades, but big incumbents had managed to keep those liquid products off the shelves in favor of their huge bags of solid pellets. We knew we could offer a better solution by going direct to the consumer.

Enter Gnome. We developed the highest quality formulas, based on input from experts in every region of the United States.

  • We perfected the hose end sprayer and thin plastic bag so none of the liquid would be wasted and there wouldn’t be excess plastic waste.
  • We dialed in the ratio of water to fertilizer so the liquid would be perfectly diluted and watered in almost immediately.
  • And then we developed the perfect combination of nutrient formulas for every conceivable lawn in the continental United States.

For lawns of every size, age, thickness, grass type, climate, and soil density, there is a perfect Monthly Lawn Plan. That took us some time (and a lot of the Excel skills we’d learned working for “The Man”). But it’s all worth it when we see our customers’ before and after photos.

Our vision is that one hundred years from now, the Earth will look greener from outer space. We will have less algae blooms caused by fertilizer runoff, and more happy kids and pets enjoying their cushy grass without nasty fertilizer pellets getting stuck to their feet.